Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The classy hearts aflutter

It's inevitable that  I will eventually get myself wrapped up in something that I shouldn't. I find myself thinking about you when I probably shouldn't. That's not exactly a classy thing to do, ya know? I mean a classy girl keeps her cool and plays the game well. I do not know how to play the game at all. Instead I just tense up and give into things I really shouldn't. So what does one do in this situation? Guys and girls alike who can't keep their cool when "the one" is around just act like nothing is going on. Even though inside their heart flutters like a nervous butterfly. Then when we leave you we think about the next time we're going to be able to see you again.

Todays installment:
Midday naps. All these early mornings have got me needing more and more sleep. So I shower and curl up on the couch for a little mid-day nap. An hour or so is all I need. It makes me feel refreshed. I know you don't think that's classy but if I don't I become a crabby monster. That's not classy at all. To make it even a little classier I like to put on a little sunscreen and my ipod and curl up on my hammock in the backyard. This way i get a little sun and a little relaxation the sun kissed me feels so much happier than winterized me.

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