Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where this classy bit came from

I will save the story for another day, probably one where it's 3a.m,  I know I have readers, and I'm pretty damn drunk. Let's just say for now if you decided to keep your pearls on you will forever be brazened with the trademark slogan "Keepin it Classy."

It started back in my ISU days, I've heard the slogan has stuck around. I don't claim to be the one to start it completely but I know I started it around that campus.  (Look at me gloating) Anways, I wanted to find a way to start writing again every day. So why not start an actual blog with actual meaning. Not like livejournal or myspace or facebook. But one where I'm going to blog about how I find one way to keep it classy every single day. Or how I find others keeping it classy.  This may evolve into something more later, but for now we're going to keep it simple.

Todays installment:
I work for Starbucks, most of you who read this will probably know that by now.  Well while working for Starbucks one gets pretty good at functioning on 2 hours of sleep. Last night/this morning was no exception. After an awful night of sleep I peeled myself out of bed and into the bathroom to wash my face and I noticed the bags under my eyes have gone a little insane. What does a girl do? Well Benefit De-puffing eye gel has pretty much been my life saver. Every morning I dab a little bit of that under my eyes and within minutes I don't look as much like Winona Ryder in Beatlejuice. It's even a good alternative to putting make up on at 3:30 a.m. A little bit of that and maybe some mascara and I'm ok to go. I don't look good, but I can pass for living.

Keep it Classy

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